Bypassing Authentication in Keycloak — A Deep Dive into Our Discoveryاللهم كن لأهل غزة عونًا ونصيرًا، اللهم احفظهم بحفظك، وأمدّهم بصبرٍ من عندك، وسدد رميهم، وقوِّ عزيمتهم، وارفع عنهم البلاء والظلم اللهم ارحم…4d ago34d ago3
Two Idors allowed me to uplaod , modify and see victim’s DataI’m Abdelrahman Saad Aka ‘BenSaad’, a penetration tester , Bug Hunter and I prefer testing applications without relying on automation or…Feb 21Feb 21
CORS MISC Leaks API KeysHi everyone, I’m Abdulrhman , A Junior Computer Science graduated , and Cyber Security Enthusiast , so Today I’m gonna Show you how you…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024
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Hackthebox Precious WriteupOn this machine, there is a web service which converts the web-page to a PDF, which is vulnerable to command injection Using that, you…May 17, 20231May 17, 20231
Explaining & writeup of KnoXss SiteHello guys , Before we start keep in your mind this is beginner to intermediate Level XssNov 28, 2022Nov 28, 2022